Terms and Conditions

"Executive Style Dating - By Wealth Corp Strategic Securities Ltd - $1 Trial"

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By Using This Web Site You Agree To The Following Terms of Use Agreement

1. This Agreement is between; You (Member and/or User), of Executivestyledating.com, its affiliated web sites and their Owners/Operators. We thank you for using our web sites and their services. We require that you observe and honour our ‘Terms Of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’, whilst using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites. As a viewer and/or user of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites, you agree to observe and abide by our ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’, as a condition of using/viewing our websites. You also accept all amendments and updates and agree to check our ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ of your own free will, in order to remain informed of any/all amendments and updates to both our ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’. We refer you to our ‘Privacy Policy’ at Executivestyledating.com and make sure that you are aware of all the conditions of use laid out within our ‘Privacy Policy’, also a condition of using Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites.


2. This Agreement also covers; all terms of use associated with any/all interaction between You and Third Party providers to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites. You agree to utilize these services in a responsible manner, without harm or risk to others. This also includes any Third Party software you may use whilst viewing/using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites. You also agree; that by viewing/using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites that you are responsible for making yourself aware of the ‘Terms of Use’ that all Third Party Providers to our site require you to adhere to when viewing/using their/our sites. Whilst we may provide their software and/or services for your use, their own ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ are separate to our own ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of Use’ agreements. Whilst maximum care is undertaken to provide you with a safe internet experience, you are aware of and accept that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators accept no responsibility nor liability for any damages caused by Viruses, Trojans or any other infectious or non-infectious infiltration of any nature to any of your own equipment, including but not exclusively any smart devices/computer/s that you may use or share with, whilst using the Executivestyledating.com website, its affiliated web sites and/or its Third Party provider’s products, services and web sites. This includes whilst using wi-fi connections in a public or private capacity, or whilst using a non wi-fi connection. You agree that you are 100% responsible for ensuring that you have adequate computer protection, such as Eset anti-virus software and a firewall such as Sunbelt or Zone Alarm (examples only). Again, whilst maximum care is undertaken to provide you with a safe internet experience, you are aware of and accept that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators accept no responsibility nor liability for any damages caused by Key loggers or any other local or remote non-authorized parties who have obtained authorized/unauthorized access to your computer whilst you are viewing/using the Executivestyledating.com website and/or its affiliated web sites and/or its products/services, as this is entirely out of our control. This ‘Terms of Use Agreement’ also applies, without limitation, to any parties that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites’ interacts with in an administrative capacity, whether physically by way of supply of software or other merchandise or by way of administrative assistance only. This includes all software platforms, data miners (in addition to their own owner’s/operator’s policies) and any other parties who as described herein interact with Executivestyledating.com, its affiliated web sites and/or its Owners/Operators. The ‘Terms of Use Agreement’ also applies to subsidiary and sister sites that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators controls and/or has a connection with, either by way of referral from/to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites or through physical interaction, in so much as any such interaction may bring into play the necessary ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of Use Agreement’ herein. This extends to include all future sites that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators choose to become affiliated to/with, whether by self design or via any Third Party web sites.


3. Access; you agree that you do not have unauthorized access to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s ISP Servers or to the internal html or coded content within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites and that any access you have been granted permission for requires of you no other conduct permissible other than to interact as a legitimate and responsible client. Therefore, you agree that; (i) you do not have permission to download or store any of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated web site’s pages for the purpose of re-editing, re-distribution, trading or marketing of any sort. You do however have access with good intent to certain applications, including uploading applications and/or content editing platforms. These only include what is clearly stated on the site or within our tutorial videos as necessary components. The web site content you have access to only includes that which is deemed to be vital to the uploading of permissible content for the purposes of placing an ad campaign, placing/editing your profile or any other services that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s promotes as a component of the site, permissible for you to use. (ii) You may not use any Spiders, Robots or any other manual or automated software or device to access Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites for any reason, without first obtaining permission from Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators. The only exclusions to this are those Third Party Companies or Organizations to whom we have personally granted permission to access Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites by submitting our site to their search engines for the purpose of being crawled, for listing within their respective search engine/s. All other parties must obtain the express permission of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators. (iii) You do not have permission to obtain by any means, nor download and/or store/re-distribute any of our client’s or company’s personal information or data, without the express permission of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators. Nor can you re-distribute or market/promote any of the content of Executivestyledating.com, nor its affiliated websites, without the express permission of Executivestyledating.com and its Owners/Operators. This excludes properties you may have chosen to promote as a part of our web site’s affiliate program. That said, you must use the promotional software we have provided you with, in order to do so, along with the correct links to and from the property/ies that you have chosen to promote. (iv) You may not alter, bypass or interfere with in any way any component or coding/scripting of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites that prohibits or controls access to any page, section, area or software component within Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites nor any of their associated pages nor their web site’s pages. This also extends to include the administrative areas of all of the aforesaid. (v) All content at Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, unless it is Third Party, is licensed to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators and is therefore subject to approval before use. All Third Party content is subject to each Third Party Owner’s personal ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of Use Agreement’, which you agree to abide by when viewing/using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites. (vi) You will not harass nor spam any of our clients nor staff and similarly will not use any manual or automated device that, at our sole discretion, places undue stress on Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s infrastructure, nor impedes its ability to operate in a steady and consistent manner for its viewers/users/administrators/Owners/Operators. This includes attacking Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s ISP Servers and/or any of its client’s data, with any device designed to data mine or afflict a Trojan, Virus or any other potentially harmful or harmful infection or infiltration. You agree not to harvest details of individuals or groups who are members/account holders/clients of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, by use of software or any other methodology, device or tool. You may interact with another Member or User of our websites, in the capacity agreed upon, pertinent to the intended use of such websites. For example when messaging another Member or User, or whilst reading their profile. You agree not to share, store, trade, promote, distribute, circulate or sell the aforesaid information without the Member’s/Users prior written consent, and where pertinent the consent of the web site’s Owners/Operators.


4. Service; Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators agree to maintain at all times professional, courteous and friendly websites for your own personal use. Notwithstanding, you agree that some factors that are out of our control, particularly those factors known as ‘acts of god’ (natural disasters etc.), may not make this possible. Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators will not be held liable nor accountable, financially or otherwise, for any loss of access to Executivestyledating.com, its affiliated websites and its associated services/software nor its client’s personal data, Third Party or not. That said, Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators agree to maintain to their best and reasonable ability Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s client data, data stability and web site access. You agree that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators will also not be held liable nor accountable, financially or otherwise, for any interaction between any of its own clients or Third party provider’s clients or members as this is deemed beyond our control. Establishing relationships is entirely your responsibility. This is particularly pertinent to any dating services we provide online/offline.


5. Age Restrictions/Requirements; The necessary age requirements pursuant to this formality also apply. You agree that it is your responsibility to understand and comply with all International laws/statutes with regards to establishing any contact with another person/s through Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites or through other personal contact of any nature, particularly with regards to minors. You agree that before using/viewing Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites that you are of legal age to do so, within the Country/vicinity you are in, whilst viewing/using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites. You also agree that all the laws/statutes that apply to minors within the Country/vicinity, you are in, whilst viewing/using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites also apply herein to you when viewing/using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites. Any interaction with Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, by a minor of any age, with respect to the aforesaid, constitutes a legal breach. Any such legal concerns that may arise shall fall upon the legal guardian of the minor involved and/or a person/s deemed to be the legal or responsible guardian/s of the minor involved in any breach of our ‘Terms Of Use’ and/or ‘Privacy Policy’. All legal costs involved in dealing with a minor, with regards to such interaction, shall be met by the aforesaid guardian/s, as directed by a court of law or legal system of any nature involved in any legal action deemed necessary, at the sole discretion of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites Owners/Operators. Executivestyledating.com provides a service for those deemed to be of legal age of consent. In most cases this is 18 years of age. Where Executivestyledating.com is not aware of this age being older, if it is in some Countries, Executivestyledating.com will not be held responsible for any interaction between Members or Users of our website/s, who are deemed to be minors of that Country. Any breach of law’s concerning Minors shall pass to the person/s involved in such a breach, as it is Executivestyledating.com’s and its Owners/Operators intentions to interact in a professional capacity, and can not be aware of every Country’s by-laws. It is the sole responsibility of each individual to be aware of their own Country’s laws and by-laws, and any individual of any Country that they are interacting with, whilst using or viewing our website/s and their affiliated websites.


6. Fees/Charges/Invoicing/Services; Executivestyledating.com is free of charge to use; by those conducting a search for the purposes of locating a discounted product or service, that is advertised within Executivestyledating.com. Or where applicable; to search for a person or other entity who you have been granted permission to search for, by utilizing official administrative software, allocated within our site for this purpose. A Membership fee, the amount of which is stated within the Executivestyledating.com website shall be charged by us to any client which joins our site as a Member within the Executivestyledating.com site and/or its affiliated websites (where applicable). The client shall make immediate payment, for the amount requested, and continue to make payments, on the basis agreed to at the time of joining the aforesaid program, where such a program entails making regular subscription payments. The client may cancel their payment without notice, unless stated otherwise within any special terms or conditions stated within the Executivestyledating.com website and/or its affiliated websites. This excludes all payments which have already been processed or are pending approval, including Subscriptions. From time to time Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators may change pricing’s without notice. As much time as possible shall be given to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Clients, Affiliates, Agents, Caretakers, Members and any other affiliated Clients and Partners, in order to avoid confusion. However, price change awareness is the responsibility of the aforementioned parties. All due diligent care and effort shall be undertaken to ensure that any aforementioned price alterations are mentioned within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites. Any invoices dispatched to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites paying Clients shall be paid by the 20th of the month, following that of the month for which they have been invoiced. Should payment not be received by the 30th of the month, following that of the month for which they have been invoiced, any standard early payment discount displayed on their invoice shall be disallowed, making the full amount payable as displayed on the invoice. A further late payment penalty of $15 (N.Z) shall accrue after the 30th of the month, following that of the month for which they have been invoiced. For every 30 days following this period the late payment penalty shall accrue by the same amount, adding a further $15 (N.Z) to the amount payable which is outstanding, in addition to all charges/penalties that have accrued prior to this period. Separate charges may be quoted for web site custom programs and/or advertising/marketing campaigns. Where this occurs, a separate quotation provided to that particular Client shall apply. This may or may not be charged at standard rates, specific to the level of difficulty involved in undertaking and finalizing the project. The aforementioned ‘Terms Of Use’ regarding invoicing and payment periods shall apply herein. Regarding Third Party providers; you agree to be aware of their own separate ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of Use Agreement’ and agree to adhere to these at all times. You do not have permission to review nor alter any of the fees/charges/commissions/monies owing for the services/products on Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites, nor have any negotiating power to negotiate the aforementioned with another party/individual without the express permission of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. Such permission must be in writing and signed off by a manager employed or contracted to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators and who is duly appointed with such authority to do so. Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators reserve the right to suspend or terminate any of its clients’ accounts for late payment of monies due or refusal to pay monies due to the aforesaid or for any reason we deem to be reasonable, for which you will first be notified in writing or by way of email, to the email address the client provided upon joining our site/s or an official email address provided within the client’s account information area. Notification of intended suspension or termination of your account shall be a period of not less than 7 days (including all statutory days, holidays and weekends), unless Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators consider they shall be negatively impaired, harmed or damaged in some way, to which the 7 days may be wavered at the sole discretion of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators. If this should occur, your account will be merely suspended indefinitely in order to give you a chance to make reparation. This period shall not exceed two calendar months or 60 days, whichever is the lesser, after which we reserve the right to send your account to a debt collection agency for full collection, to which the full balance of monies owing to us shall be payable. Following this, you agree that you are responsible for all costs incurred in the recovery of monies owing to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators, plus all charges accrued and added to all monies owing, by the agency or company we elect to recover such monies owing. The suspension includes the suspension of any advertisements/campaigns you have placed with Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites. We reserve the right to impose up to the highest penalties permitted by the laws/statutes of New Zealand and/or the country or destination that legal proceedings or mediation between you and our company has taken place within.


7. Web Site Content/Ads/Listings/Profiles; You agree to adhere to all laws and statutes required of you by the country you are in at the time of viewing/using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and all other International law imposed upon you, including but not limited to New Zealand, as it applies to Internet and Marketing laws and any other affiliated laws/statutes herein. The aforementioned shall include, but is not limited to, the following; all of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s ad campaigns, all advertisements and links displayed within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, all articles published within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites, all member profiles uploaded to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, all pics/photos regardless of what extension/format they may be in, all other published and uploaded content and all other affiliated blogs/forums/article websites and the like. The aforementioned shall not contain material that is copyright to another party, offensive, abusive, racist, defamatory, inappropriate and/or pornographic or any other content from which a liable suit may eventuate, either against Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators or any of its Affiliated Partners/Clients/Members/Viewers/Users/Third Party Providers. Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites Owners/Operators accept no liability nor responsibility for any negligence, you participate in or create of your own free will. You agree that you are liable for any/all direct and/or any/all associated damages and legal expenses arising from negligent use and/or the inclusion or uploading of non permissible content or that deemed to be negligent and/or damaging by a court of law, either within your country/destination or any other country/destination that mediation/proceedings take place in, or are scheduled to take place within. You agree that all information uploaded to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites is non-copyright and/or that you first have prior legal permission to use it. Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators accept no liability nor responsibility for any damages or legal expenses resulting from the use of copyright material nor any other material that you do not personally have permission to use or upload. You agree that all information provided to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and its Owners/Operators, both offline and online, is true and accurate and is a complete, fair and legal representation. You agree; that it is your responsibility, with regards to your partial and/or total satisfaction, for the final design and creation of any of your advertisements, ad campaigns and promotions and also to acquire and understand the cost of the aforementioned, prior to utilizing the aforesaid on or within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, unless by prior arrangement you have commissioned assistance from Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s advertising and marketing department to have an official written quotation or estimate. Where such a prior arrangement has been made, your satisfaction must be provided in writing before any such material is utilized on or within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites. You agree that it is your responsibility to sign off any of the aforesaid work/s property/ies prior to their use on or within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web sites. You agree that all ads, advertising campaigns and promotions conducted by Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and must comply with all International Internet and Marketing laws/statutes and protocol and also all International offline Marketing/Publishing laws/statutes and protocol as applicable, and that the responsibility to meet these requirements rests with you. You agree that it is unreasonable for our company/ies to be aware of every law regarding the aforesaid, as legal requirements for the aforementioned vary greatly from country to country. Wherever possible, Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites will endeavour to also be aware of your countries’ legal requirements, regarding the aforesaid. You also agree; that all ads submitted to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, comply with our ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of Use’ Agreements.


8. Content Ownership/License/Trademarks/Copyright; You agree that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators have full license to use any/all content that you have authorized us to use, for promotional, marketing and publicity reasons, in addition to granting Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites Owners/Operators full permission to store such content within a database of its choice and location, not limited to any time period. You agree to grant us non-exclusive copyright to all such material and that the said material is not bound by any restrictions, royalties, licenses or otherwise encumbered by any other agreements. You agree; that this license applies Internationally and that submission to Executivestyledating.com or any of its affiliated websites constitutes acceptance of this agreement. You also agree; that prior to submission of said material you have acquired unconditional legal copyright rights to own and distribute the same. You agree that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators will not accept any liability nor responsibility for any consequences arising from, of a legal nature or otherwise, the submission of any copyright or non-copyright content and that all costs involved in the case that legal action should arise will be entirely met by you. This also includes the recovery of any expenses incurred by Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators for filing legal action against you or incurred whilst acting in its own defence throughout mediation or legal proceedings, to resolve any such matter involving a breach of this agreement. You agree to observe and respect all trademarks, logos, names and licenses of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and that of their Owners/Operators and those advertising on or otherwise participating with the aforesaid. You also agree to observe and respect all trademarks, logos, names and licenses of all Third Parties who are parties to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, with respect to their own personal agreements/policies/contracts. Permission must be obtained from Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators and/or from any Third Party Providers to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, prior to their use for any marketing or non-marketing campaign, or for any other use whatsoever. Please Note: All trademarks, quotes, copyright symbols/notices, licenses and any other right of ownership representations are to be kept intact, with any information that you have downloaded, saved, stored or otherwise interacted with under all circumstances – no exceptions! The Term and Web Site name Executivestyledating.com and those of its affiliated websites is licensed to our company’s Owners/Operators. You do not have permission to use, copy or otherwise represent the Term and Web Site name Executivestyledating.com and those of its affiliated websites, without prior permission in writing from the Owners/Operators of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites. The aforesaid also applies to all our other affiliated websites, where the name is licensed to our company such as, but not exclusively, blogs, forums, product and service websites etc. You have permission to represent Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites as an ‘Independent Affiliate’ only and/or a ‘ Executivestyledating.com Reseller’ (where applicable). Not as any form of agent nor member of our staff nor management, where an item/property is being promoted by you for the purposes of profiting through our Affiliate Program or an Affiliate Program appointed by, and/or used by our company. It is a condition that all of the information originally displayed at Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites remains intact and that the appropriate software supplied for this purpose is utilized. You may not modify any of the information supplied, regardless of whatever format that is in, such as PDF. You may not promote the name Executivestyledating.com, nor any of its affiliated website names, nor the aforesaid information on any website which are considered lewd, illegal or otherwise inappropriate or detrimental to the reputation of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites and their Owners/Operators. Consider carefully the aforesaid, and please abide by this simple request, as Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators reserve the right to prosecute you to the maximum degree, reprimand or suspend you or ban you for life from using our websites and their services. Should legal proceedings be necessary; you also agree to bear the cost of all legal fees, including our own, which result from legal proceedings, we have initiated against you, including the cost of any travel necessary to attend mediation, a hearing or trial outside of our usual proximity, which is Auckland, New Zealand.


9. Your License Privileges;

You Can: You agree; that you have the right to utilize any official software that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators have provided to you, for the purposes of; saving content displayed within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, such as details of ad listings and/or ad campaigns/promotions and/or statistics in pre-formatted PDF form or otherwise. You also have permission to save the content of any such information E-mailed to you. You have the right to view/save any information, to which you are granted legal access, on Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites. Legal access means; any area of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, to which you have officially been given access to, by utilizing our official software platform/s and creating/submitting the required information and/or password/s. This may or may not involve an approval and/or screening process, to which you agree to prior to receiving the aforesaid granted permission (see our website). You may also view/save articles and other content submitted to any appointed containment area, set aside specifically for this purpose. This may include other affiliated websites, such as blogs and promotional sites. With respect to Website Members only; you consent to utilizing such information for personal, non-commercial, use and personal gain only unless stated otherwise. With respect to Clients, both Free and Pro; you consent to utilizing such information for personal gain or your company’s gain only, with respect to the services offered through Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites. Both parties may only use information at Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites for viewing and making contact with other parties utilizing Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, as is the intended purpose of supplying such web site features and services, for such use.

You Can’t: You agree; you do not have permission to download, record, sell, display, save, copy, alter, store, distribute or re-publish any coded or binary content, audio/video files or displayed material of/on Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, nor its Owners/Operators/Software Suppliers and Administrative Contractor’s coded or binary content, audio/video files or displayed material or utilized/affiliated software, including from the aforesaid parties Servers, without the permission of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. All of the aforesaid content is copyright to the aforesaid Owners/Operators/Contractors. Any reverse engineering, phishing, alteration, copying, distribution, re-publishing, displaying, storing or selling of the aforesaid coded or binary content, audio/video files or displayed material, including any/all Server content without the express written and witnessed permission of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites Owners/Operators and/or its affiliated Software Suppliers and Software/Administrative Contractors is liable to prosecution in a court of law of our choice, to which all legal costs shall be recovered from you for any costs relating to damages/claims arising from such incident, of an administrative capacity or otherwise. This extends to include any offline copying, such as photocopying or any other data copying means, for which you must first seek our permission. You do not have permission to download, record, sell, display, save, copy, alter, store, distribute or re-publish said material, unless authorized to do so by Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators, or under each individual agreement/policy and/or that of its Service Providers and Third Party participants, any of the aforesaid material.Please Note: All material for which you have permission to download/store/promote, simply for the purposes of utilizing Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites for its intended purpose only and no other personal gain nor commercial profit, is the only exception to this rule. Commercial does not include companies operating in the aforesaid manner for the purposes of using Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites for its intended purposeful gain and not for commercial plunder nor profiteering from same.


10. Members/Clients/Advertisers Requirements; Should a Member/Client/Advertiser not comply with the ‘Privacy Policy’ and/or ‘Terms of Use’ Agreements of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and should a dispute should occur; Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators shall not be held liable, nor held accountable, for any damages, nor costs incurred by either party, whether arising from legal proceedings or otherwise. Any disputes must be settled between any Member/Client/Advertiser and any other Member/Client/Advertiser concerned, without the involvement of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators, unless Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators seek legal advice and/or compensation for damages or otherwise in a court of law or through an appointed mediator/attorney/disputes tribunal/legal service, should they see fit to do so. No Member/Client/Advertiser/Affiliate may advertise or otherwise promote a product or service for which the terms listed differ to that provided, of the product or service that they intend to offer to their potential audience/client, in order to procure them as a client. In other words, fair commercial intent must be intended at all times. Nothing should be hidden, nor undisclosed to the Member/Client/Advertiser/Affiliate, which could affect the Member/Client/Advertiser/Affiliate’s decision to procure a fair deal from the Member/Client/Advertiser/Affiliate concerned or continue with their relationship fairly after procurement. IMPORTANT: No Member/Client/Advertiser/Affiliate may list or otherwise advertise or promote a product or service on Executivestyledating.com or any of its affiliated websites at a price which is more than the final price offered after the displayed discount is applied, on Executivestyledating.com, nor any of its affiliated websites or other websites across the internet or offered offline through any means, including publication. Any and all changes in pricing at other locations must also be reflected in the price that you are offering, within the listing/s you have on Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, with respect to the final price after the displayed discount is applied. Any additional charges, such as G.S.T and other Taxes/Discounts, Shipping Charges etc, for the goods and/or services that you are promoting/selling, must be fairly stated or displayed on Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites to the Member/Client/Advertiser/Affiliate prior to signing or finalizing any agreement between any parties concerned, as required by the laws and statutes of your vicinity/Country. This is deemed to be your responsibility, including the cost of any fees, legal or otherwise, incurred in drafting/signing any transactions of any nature between any of the parties concerned.


11. Refusal/Suspension/Cancellation of Ads/Accounts; Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators unconditionally reserve the right to suspend or cancel a Member’s membership, for any reason they deem fit. This also extends to those who have an advertising account with Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, whether it is a free account or a paid account. For the purposes of clarity ‘a free account or a paid account’ means; registering at Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites for the purposes of placement of a product or service listing/ad, whereas membership refers to those who have signed up to Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites in order to save favourites, add a profile or conduct other business, such as searches or ad viewing, blog reading and downloading of supplied materials that are permissible for download. It is pertinent to note that some individuals may have both. This policy applies to both a free account and a paid account and membership registrations accordingly. Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators also reserve unconditionally the right to refuse/reject/suspend/cancel any registration/ad placement for either of the aforementioned account types and/or any Member’s Profile, for whatever reason they deem fit. Suspension/cancellation of a Member’s/Client’s account may also include, but is not limited to, violation of our ‘Privacy Policy’ and/or ‘Terms of Use’ Agreements and/or any outstanding monies owing but not yet paid to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. This also applies to any Third Party affiliated to Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and/or their Owners/Operators where; it is deemed that there is a violation or interruption of service between Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and/or its Owners/Operators and any Third Party affiliated or connected by way of providing a service to/from Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and/or its Owners/Operators.


12. Web Links/Third Party Web Sites; You agree that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated web site’s Owners/Operators have no control over websites not owned/operated by Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. Therefore we accept no liability nor responsibility for any consequences arising from your use of any websites that are linked to/from Executivestyledating.com and/or linked to/from its affiliated websites, including but not limited to blogs, forums, administration platforms and including any/all claims made therein. Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators also accept no liability nor responsibility for any online/offline content of the aforementioned websites. You also agree that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators can have no possible way of knowing that the aforementioned sites may or may not be infected by Viruses/Trojans/Worms and/or any other digital/binary infections/infiltrations. You agree to access all links at your own risk. Although all due diligence and precautions are undertaken to ensure infection does not occur within Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites Owned/Operated by Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. You also agree; to view/surf Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites at your own risk, as no webmaster can ever guarantee a 100% infection free internet environment all of the time.


13. Web Site Uptime/Downtime; You agree; that Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators accept no liability, nor accept responsibility for web site downtime of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, including any interruption to any of its services/promotions, whether online or offline. This includes, but is not limited to, interruption to your viewing/surfing the aforementioned sites and/or any inconvenience, data loss or financial loss that may occur as a result of web site downtime, for whatever reason. However, Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators will endeavour to provide you with websites that have as close as possible to a 100% up-time, that is to say time online and accessible by you for your viewing/using pleasure. Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites are hosted with professional, reliable host providers who maintain the highest quality of service. The servers we utilize are secured in a safe and private environment, so that security across the world wide web is maintained to the highest of our ability. All payment platforms contain the usual high standard of safety, due to incorporating the highest levels of encryption, for your own personal satisfaction and peace of mind.


14. Conditions Of Use/Acceptance; You agree; that you are not a minor and that you are of legal age to view/use/join Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites. You agree that you are of sound and stable mind in order to do so and that you have an acceptable mental capacity to accept responsibility for your actions concerning the viewing of, use of and/or joining of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, plus any interaction involving any and all other clients. members and/or viewers/users of the aforesaid, or that whilst doing the aforesaid you have a guardian of sound and stable mind to do the aforesaid for you, in which case responsibility for the aforesaid is transferred to them. You agree; that you accept all responsibility for the viewing and use of Executivestyledating.com, its affiliated websites and its Third Party affiliated websites and any interaction involving other clients or members of the same. You agree that you are not granted permission to use Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites or interact in any other way, with any other member or client of the aforesaid sites/parties, via the internet, whilst you are either suspended or banned from any of the aforementioned websites/parties, for whatever reason/s or held/incarcerated in any kind of mental or prison institution. Upon your use of and/or Membership of Executivestyledating.com; the Owners/Operators of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites and their Owners/Operators and any Third Party associated with the aforesaid are hereby indemnified of any illegal and/or unconstitutional behaviour, that may or may not result in legal action being taken against Executivestyledating.com, the Owners/Operators of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites and their Owners/Operators and any Third Party associated with the aforesaid.


15. Administrators/Clients/Members/Permissions & Back-ups; You agree; prior to utilization of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, that you are duly authorized or have permission on behalf of another individual, for which you have proof, to join or access any page/area or account on Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites and that you have prior permission before accessing any shared/non-shared account/s, whether administrative or not. The aforesaid permission also applies prior to uploading/editing/deleting/modifying/saving any information or content within any page/area or account on Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, whether administrative or not. You agree; to accept all responsibility for any/all of your actions concerning the aforesaid. Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators accept no responsibility for any data/content/information that has been uploaded/edited/deleted/modified/saved or otherwise, or by any accident, act of destruction or sabotage of the aforesaid, whether intentional or not, or by any ‘act of god’ nor any client/user/caretaker/administrator/member/affiliate/staff’s negligence. On our part, our own staff and management will ensure that all due diligence and care is undertaken to ensure that we are not ourselves negligent on the alteration or loss of any of your data/content/information. However, Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators likewise accept no responsibility for the aforesaid circumstances, taking place and will not be held liable for any damages or costs incurred, financial or otherwise, arising from the same. That said, server copy backups are frequently created and maintained in the unlikely event that this may occur, so that a recovery of any data can be executed. You agree; to not upload, represent, promote, advertise, market, display, rent, lease, sell, distribute or do otherwise with, as well as on behalf of another party, any item, product, event or service on Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites that you do not own and/or do not have prior express written consent to do so, including information about the aforesaid, and/or for which you do not have legal authorization to do so (proof may be requested if necessary). Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators accept no liability, nor responsibility for any representation, nor misrepresentation made on Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites as to the nature and accuracy of details of any product, service, event or item, it’s price, location, condition, ownership details or otherwise. You agree; that Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites are intended for the viewing and interaction of its/their clients benefit only and as such make no other claims, nor represent any of the claims or conditions with regards to its/their listings containing, but not exclusively, the aforementioned.


16. Web Site Representations/Claims; You do not; have the right to represent Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website/s names, trademarks, logos, marketing, promotional systems or methodologies, nor Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s staff or management or otherwise similar in any way, shape or form, nor through any other methodology, without the prior express written permission of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. Your utilization of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, constitutes permission to represent Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s services and products, only in the capacity in which it operates, to provide the services and products made available to the public in an honest and responsible capacity, with no false mis-representations whatsoever. Only so far as you are in full agreement with our ‘Terms Of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’, in place at all times, within the limitations of the aforesaid and the utilization of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites for their/its intended purpose. Compliance requires that you use Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s official software platform/s and contracted, affiliate program provider/s, made available to you and stated within our websites, so that you may sign up as a website affiliate through our company web site’s official affiliate program/s. Outside of this exclusion, all bans on the aforementioned representations are to be upheld, unless you have obtained written or emailed consent from Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. No false, nor vexatious claims or exaggerations shall be made online or offline, regarding any type of income earnings possible or probable, with respect to our affiliate program, or any income opportunity, nor any advertisement details displayed on Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites (see also, the conditions below). You may not impersonate another human being, nor represent yourself in such a way that it implies that you are someone that you are not. The aforesaid also includes any information that you share with Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated web site’s users, affiliates, members, clients, account holders, administrators, contractors and Owners/Operators, yet not exclusively. The only exception to this is when you represent yourself as an avatar. This applies only to the visual aspects of your identity and does not exclude you, nor exempt you from any of our aforesaid ‘Terms of Use’ or ‘Privacy Policy’. Any violation of our ‘Terms of Use’ and/or ‘Privacy Policy’ may result in a charge of fraud being laid against you in a court of law, for which you are liable for all costs and damages. In addition to this, you must provide accurate details within your advertisements and listing/s and account information, including all relevant contact and identification details. Failure to do so may also result in the aforesaid legal proceedings, or account suspension or you being banned permanently from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites.


17. Affiliate Program/Promotion; You agree; that you will not represent any part of Executivestyledating.com nor any of its own or third party website affiliate programs, nor any other forms of incomes promoted, involving the promotion of our products and services and/or our income/affiliate programs, in a manner that would suggest that it is either Multilevel Marketing, or a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme, which it is not. It is a commissioned income, from which you may earn cash rewards/commissions and/or other rewards for promoting, advertising campaigns and/or other appointed products/services of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites. All such income is derived from the sale of a Membership and/or a Pro site membership, or a single product and/or service and processed by Executivestyledating.com and/or any of its affiliated site’s contracted Affiliate Program platform providers, and/or our own official Affiliate Programs. You agree; to receive payments from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owner’s/Operator’s contracted Affiliate Program provider/s, at the current rates expressed by the aforementioned site/s, in exchange for the successful sale of the aforesaid products and/or services, which means payments for the aforesaid from the client purchasing has been received by Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators in full. All rates are subject to change without prior notice. The aforementioned may be; payments made through one or more of our Affiliated provider’s payment platforms and not usually directly from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. It is your responsibility to remain informed of all such changes. The rate of your earnings shall be calculated at whatever the rates were, at the time the monies from sales you made for that period are paid to you, via Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators contracted Affiliate Program provider/s and/or cleared by the administration department of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. Although, Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators utilize a reputable, proven Affiliate Program provider and can foresee no such difficulties in the near future, Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators shall not be held responsible, nor liable, financially or otherwise, for any payments not made by any Affiliate Program provider which our company/ies are utilizing to reward any client, member or reseller of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites. Any such disputes; must be conducted between you and any such Affiliate Program provider, that Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators are using. At our sole discretion, we may provide assistance in resolving such disputes. However, all costs of doing so, again at our sole discretion, shall be met by the Affiliate involved in the dispute in the first instance, unless Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators offer to contribute towards any costs, in order to resolve the dispute. Please Note: YOU ARE NOT a representative, an agent, a sales agent, a wholesale buyer, seller or renter of any of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s, nor its Owners/Operators affiliated web site’s goods and/or services. Any designations, such as Agent (for example within our Support Team), are purely named labels only. You are an approved (if notified of such), Reseller only of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators web site’s products and/or services. You are not a member of staff or management of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators, unless employed within a staffing role, under contract within one or more of our offices, or working remotely, such as from your home. With regards to the aforementioned. If you are a Reseller; you are required to make this clear to any party or individual to whom you are promoting a product, service or advertising campaign. Misrepresentation of such, will result in you being suspended or banned altogether from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Affiliate and/or Third Party Affiliate Program, at the discretion of the management of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. You may also have your Membership and/or account with Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites suspended or revoked permanently. You agree; not to spam or otherwise harass other internet users, business or private, and understand that legal proceedings can be initiated against you for such conduct. You agree to bear any and all costs incurred for legal action taken against you, and/or your company, for such conduct, pursuant to the laws and statutes of the governing bodies that determine what actions constitute a violation of permissible internet protocol and/or the internet laws and statutes of the country, that you are in at the time of your conduct. You also agree; that you are bound by the laws and statutes applicable to your conduct, concerning offline promotion of Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated websites, with regards to spamming and/or harassment, as mentioned in the aforesaid reference/s. You also agree; to bear the costs of, and/or reimburse at a court’s demand, any travel expenses accrued, for the necessity of our staff/management/legal representation to attend any such legal proceedings or mediation outside of our usual proximity, which is Auckland, New Zealand. You have permission to utilize ‘Opt-In’ software for bulk promotion, so long as the campaigns you conduct are purchased solely from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, and/or are specifically approved for this purpose. They must be of a professional standard, meeting the requirements of/for a successful submission of your promotional campaign across the internet, without repercussions or misrepresentations of any nature. You agree to cease contact with, and promotion to, any individual or party who no longer wishes to receive information about Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, in whatever form this information may take, and for the aforesaid party making the request to be excluded in the first instance. By ‘exclude’, we mean exclude permanently. That is; to decease all contact with the aforesaid to whatever extent they request, online and/or offline, which is automatically a minimum of ‘no email contact’, at least, but not exclusively with regards to the promotion of information to the aforesaid. Unless, the contactee re-grants permission personally in writing, or by way of email, to Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. With regards to the aforesaid again; all of the original data and information provided within the original ad must be kept intact when circulated or otherwise dispatched via the internet or offline, in whatever form this is in, digital or otherwise. This is accomplished automatically by purchasing one or more of our pre-designed promotional campaign packages, as they have been professionally created for optimum results and are promoted to existing and/or potential Clients, in double opt-in form or otherwise. This may or may not include promotional material or campaigns from Third Party providers which have been authorized by Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. By Clients’ we mean; those Clients who have indicated that they wish to receive information from us, that is of the nature in which they intend to receive them, and/or in which we intend to send them, for promotional or educational purposes. For these reasons, these are the only promotional campaigns you may use when promoting Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites. Conducting your own personal campaigns is not permissible. To make matters clear; the only exception is information that you have provided to us for the specific purpose of creating an advertising campaign for you/your company, that is to say a custom campaign. These may or may not utilize the campaign packages that we have made available, at the discretion of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators and/or their affiliated websites. Where such custom campaigns do not utilize the pre-designed campaigns that we have made available, an agreement of the contents of your promotional campaign must be authorized by a duly authorized representative from your company and must also have final authorization from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators in writing, or by way of email. Approval must come from a duly appointed representative of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators, who has official management clearance at this level and for this purpose.


18. Removal of Any Information/Data, including that which is Copyright; You have; the right to request that your data be removed from our servers and/or any servers that we are utilizing, in order to host our or your website/s, should you request it. This must be done in writing or by way of secure email. Secure email is an address to which you have access to on a regular basis and not one that is temporary. Generic email addresses such as Hotmail can often be temporary. Your email address must be tied to a real domain name. If you do not have a domain name, your request must be made in writing to our Head Office, the address of which is available on our Contact page and/or other website pages, or available upon request. Upon this request for removal of personal or identifying data; you agree to whitelist Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s domain names with the email address or addresses that you used, in order to send correspondence to our company/ies. This is to ensure, that any return email that we send you can be received without impedance or deletion. You must whitelist our email address or addresses, until such time as no further correspondence is necessary, that would achieve final non communication between you/your company and Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators. This ensures that a legally binding transaction is formed between you and Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators; in order to discontinue any future relationship, between you/your company and Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators, unless at your request partnership or communication is re-authorized by you/your company and a relationship is re-established. The dispatch of an email or written letter from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators constitutes proof of a legal binding response and/or notification in all instances. It is your responsibility to ensure the aforesaid whitelisting has been put in place. You may also request that information that you consider to be Copyright, Trademarked or otherwise legally encumbered be removed from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators servers, including any servers that we are utilizing to host our/your website/s. This excludes Third Party Servers, or any Servers over which we have no control. This must be done by email or received in writing, as per our previous instructions. You must provide legal proof as to ‘right of ownership’ of the aforesaid data, after which Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators will remove such information or data at their own discretion. Some data may be necessary for retention, in accordance with the laws and statutes of a Country and/or in accordance with the legal requirements of Icann, and/or for taxation purposes. Similarly, Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators reserve the unconditional right to request removal of any and/or all information and data claimed to be our own or another party’s Intellectual Property. The aforesaid, from any web site, blog, forum, or any other online portal and/or online/offline publication, that makes partial or full reference to Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s and/or their Owners/Operators. This includes material that in any way binds or connects the aforesaid properties to Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators, either in part or in whole. This also includes the aforesaid; where such material makes unacceptable or unauthorized reference to our company’s Trademarks, Names, Subsidiaries, Domain Names or any other company or entity, that is in some way connected either in part or in whole with the aforesaid. This includes; any of the aforesaid material, that at our own discretion we suspect may be copyright material or may in some other way infringe upon our own ‘Terms Of Use’ and/or ‘Privacy Policy’. Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s and their Owners/Operators are an Intellectual Property friendly organization. We respect other internet user’s rights and request that you and/or your company also does the same.


19. Accuracy of Data Disclaimer; You agree; that all information and data viewed/downloaded and/or otherwise obtained from Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites are subject to possible misunderstandings and/or infringements of Intellectual Property Rights and/or personal circumstances, prior to or resulting from contact between any of the parties to the aforesaid websites. Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators accept no responsibility nor liability for any of the information provided within Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites and make no representations as to the accuracy or fairness of such information or data. This is the responsibility of the provider of such information and the receiver of such information. It is understood by you; that Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators merely provide an online web site for the advertisement and/or promotion and/or sale of goods and/or services. You accept that it is your responsibility to be aware of all details provided and their accuracy and allow for any possible instance of inaccuracy. Despite this, Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Owners/Operators believe that we have made every possible endeavour to inform all parties concerned, the standards and conduct that we expect of our clients, members, affiliates and users of our websites and that these standards should be upheld at all times and in fairness to all parties and individuals concerned with any of the aforesaid, pursuant to our ‘Terms Of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’.


20. Limited Liability; Executivestyledating.com and its affiliated website’s Administrative Owners/Operators/Directors/Franchisees/Franchisors, Management, Accountants, Website Lessees (excluding their/our clients utilizing our website/s as Non-owners and/or Non-Lessees), Website Leasing Managers, Website Leasing Agents, Distributors, Employees, Sales Agents, Vendors or Suppliers and any other party associated with the administrative procedures of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, accept no legal responsibility, nor liability for any direct or indirect costs or damages arising from any dispute between any of its Members, Account Holders, Affiliates, Lessors, Lessees, Agents, Caretakers, Renters, Sellers, Buyers, Property Agents, Users and any other affiliated party/ies. This includes within the aforesaid; legal proceedings eventuating from incidents arising from website downtime, pricing disputes, information disputes, calendar disputes, tenancy disputes, fees or deposit disputes, other allowances/dis-allowances disputes, property damage disputes, cost of replacement goods disputes and/or loss of revenue or data, arising from your participation in the utilization of our website Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, or any event which impairs or completely prevents your ability to utilize or access the aforesaid. This includes lost revenue or data and/or costs and damages arising from the same, due to war, martial law, acts of god or otherwise. Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s Administrative Owners/Operators/Directors/Franchisees/Franchisors, Management, Accountants, Website Lessees (excluding their/our clients utilizing our sites as Non-owners and/or Non-Lessees), Website Leasing Managers, Website Leasing Agents, Distributors, Employees, Sales Agents, Vendors or Suppliers and any other party associated with the administrative procedures of Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated websites, are hereby indemnified against any and all costs and/or damages, to/from any party, arising from the negligence or violation of any law or statute by any of its clients, members, advertisers, account holders, or any other parties affiliated to us, temporarily or permanently, by way of affiliation to Executivestyledating.com and/or its affiliated website’s and their Owners/Operators, or through offline mediation, consultation or any other verbal or written connection. The aforesaid also applies to any costs and damages arising from the violation of our ‘Terms of Use Agreement’ and/or ‘Privacy Policy’ by any of the aforesaid parties.


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Version 1 – Instated: August 27th 2022


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